Dr Joseph Lo Iacono


Dr Joseph Lo Iacono is the Customer Experience Coordinator for Blacktown Key Venues.

Joseph holds over 25 years’ experience across an array of industries including banking and tertiary education. These roles have built experience and expertise of customer experience in service environments.

Having studied a Bachelor of Business at University of Technology, Sydney, Joseph later pursued two postgraduate level qualifications at Griffith University. He was awarded a Masters of Marketing with a full mark grade point average and first-class honours and two scholarships into the PhD program, where he graduated with no revisions.

Formerly, Joseph worked as a Marketing academic at Griffith University. In this role Joseph taught a variety of marketing subjects to undergraduate and postgraduate students including services marketing, market research and consumer behaviour. During this time, Joseph also published several marketing research publications in highly ranked international business journals and commendations include an Emerald Literati highly commended paper in the Journal of Services Marketing.

In Joseph’s current role, he oversees the customer experience strategy and marketing communications for all aquatic and leisure centres within the Blacktown local government area.


  • Doctor of Philosophy; PhD - A Conceptualisation and Empirical Validation of Internal Customer Perceived Value (ICPV) - Griffith University
  • Masters of Marketing (First Class Honours) – Griffith University
  • Bachelor of Business – University of Technology, Sydney.